The Conscious Coach Letter

The Myth of the "Right Way"

Jun 14, 2023

Growing up in schools, we were taught there is a correct answer to a question.

A, B, or C?


There is a right answer... and there actually is a "right way" to get the right answer.


When we enter the world of entrepreneurship... all that becomes irrelevant.

There isn't a "right way" to create clients, make money, or grow in success and fulfillment.

There are lots of ways.

I like to think there are "infinite ways."


This poses a problem for people who consider themselves good students, or who like to follow rules. (I know, because this used to be me!)


But what I've found way more interesting to experiment with (for myself and for clients) revolve around these questions--


What action resonates with you?

What prices and offers feel good to you?

How do you like to create?

What people do you enjoy talking to?


These questions revolve around your alignment and preferences.


When you can apply principles that work with your own aligned preferences... magic occurs.


For example, the principle of success might be -- serve people.

The aligned way you serve people can be through word of mouth conversations, my aligned way might be this blog post.

Another's way might be killing it on social media, or going deep in a podcast episode.


The "way" doesn't matter the way you think it does.

There is no right way.

There are infinite right ways.


They key that unlocks your success is being willing and gritty enough to keep trying until you find the different means and methods that resonate with your soul and with your clients... until you create what you want.


That simple, and that hard.


Will you try different ways until it works?

Until you find the things that are meaningful and feel good to you?

That's YOUR way. And I promise... you can find the way that makes your soul happy AND that creates the results you want, if you're willing to play with it.


To your aligned success,



P.S. What's up in my world--


The Abundant Coach Success Secrets Masterclass is coming soon!! Click here to register.


The Matrix is opening for limited enrollment... click here to add yourself to the waitlist.


I have a small handful of private coaching spots available for the rest of 2023. Once they are claimed, the waitlist will begin for 2024 slots. If you'd like to schedule a coaching consultation with me, please email [email protected] and we can begin the process.


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