The Conscious Coach Letter

Sign Clients According to Universal Laws

Feb 09, 2023

The Conscious Coach Letter


This blog post was originally a podcast episode. Click here to listen.


Sign Clients According to Universal Laws.

When that first showed up when I was journaling it felt way too big to tackle in a single letter or podcast.

So I see this as an opening of an ongoing conversation, more than a one time event. 


So here we go.

8 Universal laws that you can use to sign clients...


The Law of Detachment

"In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it."

- Deepak Chopra (The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success)


When you need to sign clients, it's hard to sign clients.

When we talk about the law of detachment, it doesn't mean we don't desire clients. Or that we don't create them... it means we aren't attached to a specific outcome.


In building a coaching practice, this means...

- don't be attached to a single particular person saying "yes" to working with you

- add value and don't expect anything in return

- release your neediness for clients


Need nothing.

 How do you we do this?

By making our lives full, abundant, joyful, meaningful, prosperous, and loving.... without anything driving that state of being externally.

This is an inner game.

The less you need clients emotional, the more you can serve them.

The more you fill your own cup, the more you'll be able to fill other people up with goodness.


Learn to need nothing. Learn to detach from specific outcomes happening on your timetable.

Then it can be a part of your experience.


The Law of Assumption

"You must make your future dream a present fact. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled." - Neville Goddard

I love this law because it speaks to the power of your thoughts, words, and actions.


When we practice the law of the assumption, we feel as if it's already done.

We feel as if the clients are already here.


How would you feel if you already had the clients you ever wanted?

Abundant? Fulfilled? Successful?

Learn to summon those feelings within you. Then go out and do all the action you know to do.


This is a place to work from. Not a place to work to.


The Law of Opposites

When we declare what we do want, it also means we must sometimes experience what we don't want.

Understanding this law helps you find peace when it seems like things aren't working. It means we have faith that even though appearances show it isn't working...


We know the sequence is still unfolding.


When client's don't show up...

We know that if we keep going they will show up.

When it seems like you aren't making money....

This law helps us understand that nothing has gone wrong. Keep going. And the money will come.


If more coaches understood this law, less of them would quit when things got difficult.

They would understand it is a part of the process of success, not that something has gone wrong.


The Law of Attraction

"That which is like unto itself, is drawn." - Abraham Hicks


Much has been said about the Law of Attraction, so I'll share my understanding in simple, concise language.

When you are speaking something, you are creating something.

When you say "I want clients" what you are creating is the experience of wanting clients.


To create clients, you must speak and feel as if it is done (like the law of assumption)

I love my clients.

I love helping people get what they want.

I am always growing in success.

My clients find me.

Clients come from places known and unknown.

Are powerful, creative thoughts.


When coaches share with me that "it's not working" I challenge them to start speaking into existence how it really IS already working.

Words are creative power.

Speak as if it is so.

Find elements of what you do want in your current experience, and more of what you do want will come.


The Law of Cause and Effect

You are the cause of your life and business, not at the effect of it.

This means that whatever shows up in your experience, you created.

Consciously or unconsciously.

The secret is to make your thoughts, words, and actions more conscious so you create what you want instead of accidentally creating what you don't want.


This is about taking radical responsibility for your results. And really seeing how you are the cause of everything in your life.

*This is not an opportunity for you to judge yourself. This IS, however, an opportunity to reflect--


How can you take full responsibility for everything you've created so far?

What would you like to create now with this knowing? Something different?


The Law of Giving

That which you give, you receive.


This is probably my favorite law. 

So simple, so elegant.


When we give love to another, we experience love.

When we inspire someone else, we feel inspired.

When we help someone else become prosperous, we, too, become prosperous.


This is pretty much my business plan summed up: give what I wish to receive.


If I want to be prosperous and successful, who can I help today become successful and prosperous?

If I want to experience love and kindness, who can I show love and kindness to?


It always circles it's way back to us.


The Law of Least Effort

This law is such good news!

'Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness.... Grass doesn't try to grow, it just grows." - Deepak Chopra

He goes on to share that the law of least effort works when we practice acceptance, responsibility, and defenselessness.

In my words: we go with the flow. 

We don't try to swim upstream.

We exert effort, but not in extreme amounts.

We also don't freak out when things seem to be taking longer than we expected.

We take a deep breath, and go with the flow.


The Law of the Harvest

The Divine Intelligence in nature shows us that by small and simple things... are great things brought to pass.

When you plant an apple seed, it turns into a tree.

When that tree grows, it turns into hundreds and thousands of apples.


One seed produces exponential results.


When we apply all of the laws listed here, we can trust the law of the harvest.

You have a desire to sign clients.

You take actions that create clients.

You speak as if it's done.

You give what you want to receive.

You detach from any specific outcome or timeline.

You lean back and relax.... the law of harvest will be at play the whole time, and you will reap what you sow.


There is power wen you live and apply these laws to your coaching practice.

How might you apply these principles now?

What resonates with you?

What will you do or think differently now?


Play a little.






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