The Conscious Coach Letter

The Dual Nature of Prosperity

Dec 16, 2022

Wealth Consciousness - state of being, a feeling within, of absolute sufficiency. AKA peace of mind, total trust that everything is working and expanding.


Financial Overflow - external state of having more money than you need.


Many have one.

Few have both.


The other day my 6 year old daughter asked me, “mom, are we rich?”


And I paused…


Because by many standards we are.

And by other standards, we aren’t anywhere close to rich! Haha


But I wanted to take the time to teach her what my definition of rich was…


So I answered in depth,

 “there are lots of ways to be rich. And I think we are rich in many ways. There are people richer than us, and there are many people who aren’t as rich as us. 


We are rich because we have a functioning, happy family life.

We have a home.

Mommy and daddy both have great ways of making money that allow us to go on vacation, pay for fun things, buy food, and drive safe cars.

We are healthy.

We have health care.

We are able to keep learning.


There are lots of other things, but that’s why I think we are rich.


What do you think?”


I believe, like most things, there is the form of something, and the formless essence of something.


Prosperity has this dual nature too.


The form = money


The formless = consciousness


I like my clients to understand both… because its about external rewards and internal peace. The best of both worlds.

The Form of Prosperity AKA the game of business


Part of the digital, creator economy is a lot of entrepreneurial businesses. 


Like mine.

Probably like yours.


Coaches, consultants, designers, freelancers, content creators, education businesses….


No matter what you do… business is built on principles.


So if you want to create prosperity in form, learn to master the game of business by mastering the principles of business.








You can’t skimp on mastering these if you want to create financial overflow.


And while the execution is more like an art, the principles are like a science.


LIke a game.


I love thinking about business like a game because it turns a complicated, serious endeavor into a fun challenge.


My brain loves fun challenges.

But serious endeavors lead to so much anxiety….


So I stick to games.


The Game of Business For Solopreneurs.

Marketing (Build Relationships Based on Value) + Excellent Offer + Consistency + Time + Mastery of Craft = Increasing Sales


The equation is simple to understand, but harder to execute.


All of the equation is within your control, and you can add your unique spin on each of the aspects, as long as you abide by the true principles.


True Principles in The Game of Digital Creator Businesses:



Create value in the world with your marketing.

Help people implement that value in your paid offers.



Build relationships with people so they know, like, and trust you.



Serve people in those relationships over an extended period of time.



Make invitations into your offer.



Develop your skills and hone your craft so you can help people create the results they want.



Consistently iterate on and improve all of the above.



Commit to all 6 for the long term. (think in decades, not days)

Notice… none of these principles refer to a special Tik Tok tactic, or IG algorithm trick.


Don’t get lost in tactics.

Commit to executing and mastering the principles consistently. 


The Formless Essence of Prosperity


Now we are going to dig into a way more complex issue…

Your personal experience of prosperity.


This is what many people refer to as the inner work.

Because this is all about what’s happening in your mind.


And to make matters even more interesting, there’s the paradox of your human experience.


No one has had your exact experience of life.

And yet everyone experiences life in the same way.


As universal and as unique as a single daisy in a meadow.


You’ve never seen the same exact daisy twice.

And yet every daisy looks the same.


That’s why the inner work is personal and universal.


What’s personal about your inner work for creating prosperity:

  • The story about money our parents told
  • Your financial upbringing and circumstances
  • Ideas you were exposed to
  • You neighborhood, schooling, country
  • Unique experiences like gifts, inheritances, lawsuits, layoffs, etc that affected you directly
  • Stories you tell yourself about your individual capability about making money


What’s universal about your inner work for creating prosperity

  • Mainstream, limiting beliefs about how much money is socially acceptable to make or spend
  • Consensus on the state of the economy
  • Our agreements about money, cash, and banks
  • Historic, patriarchal, globally accepted beliefs about money and who can make it and what it takes to make it

All of these things are context… but they do not need to be the content of your consciousness.


What is wealth consciousness?


Simple answer: A choice to perceive your life as rich.


The longer answer:


The conscious choice to see, feel, and think about life as absolutely abundant. 


You see opportunities instead of obstacles.

You create instead of compete.

You give instead of take.

You feel grateful instead of resentful.

You trust instead of control.

You flow instead of force.

You act in the greater good instead of selfishly.

You know money is always available instead of it being a zero sum game.

You see infinite possibilities.

You understand you are always provided for.

You know you can co-create whatever reality you can envision.


Most people DON’T have wealth consciousness.


Even people with money.


Wealth consciousness is about so much more than a number in your account.


It’s about your state of being, your enjoyment of life. Your presence with loved ones. The gratitude you feel.


Wealth consciousness, like anything in life, is created with  a perception. Basically, what you choose to shine the light of your consciousness on.


This is trained and practiced.

You don’t stumble into wealth consciousness.


You create it.


One thought at a time.

One kind gesture at a time.


One deep breath of gratitude at a time.


We create miracles when we master the game of business and the inner work of wealth consciousness.


How to make this newsletter into a to-do list (pick and choose the ones that stand out to you or pique your curiosity)


To develop your wealth consciousness:


  • Write a gratitude list, including tiny things like “the way my daughter giggles” and big things like “a job that has insurance”
  •  Enjoy time in nature
  • Savor meals with loved ones
  • Turn your phone off for big chunks of time and be present with family
  • Reflect in your journal about what’s already great
  • Give your full attention to friends and family
  • Take intentional time away from work (including not thinking about work at all)
  • Give money away to someone in need
  • Ask yourself “what’s great about this?” when you encounter difficulty
  • Look at your money, no matter how much it is, and find gratitude for it that it allows you to have internet, food, a vehicle, a place to live, clean water….
  • Set a timer for 5 minutes and meditate on the feeling of gratitude
  • Call a loved one and genuinely thank them for something they have done for you
  • See beauty in the “mundane” like watching a sunrise, taking a hike, watching the snow fall, watching your kids play…
  • Learn to savor moments by being in your body instead of your mind


To get better at the game of business:

  • Take classes, courses, and get consistent mentorship to hone your craft
  • Develop copywriting skills
  • Create content you like
  • Make invitations often for people to get in your world, both free and paid
  • Emulate coaches and creators you like to learn from
  • Consume helpful content that contributes to what you’re trying to build
  • Read relevant books
  • Get in masterminds or cohorts so you surround yourself with other builders
  • Try your ideas, then get curious about your results instead of judgmental
  • Write your ideas out daily to get clarity
  • Spend a few hours a week in deep, creative work
  • Study marketing and sales
  • Network with people you enjoy being around

You can do both of these at the same time.




Game of business.

Inner work of wealth consciousness.


Develop both.

Win at both.


And play the long game. Think in decades. Not in days. That’s when we get into the game of mastery…..

You got this. Always in your corner!



P.S. This is the work we do in The Matrix, my 12 month group coaching program. To learn more, click here.

The bonus is disappearing January 1st 2023. When you join the Matrix and pay in full, you get 4 private calls with me to use throughout the year. Let's combine business savvy with the inner work and take your business to the next level.





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