The Conscious Coach Letter

My 1 Sentence Business Plan

May 31, 2023

Serve people so powerfully they never forget our conversation.


That's it.


Everything I do is to get people to have that experience with me.


My content, this article you're reading right now...

When I speak at events.

When I sit down with friends.

When I'm at a conference.

When I'm in a mastermind.

When I'm on a client consultation.


I'm hoping one day we'll get the chance to have THAT kind of conversation, 1:1.

The life changing one.

The conversation you never forget.


That's how I create incredible clients in my coaching business.


One thing is on my mind.


How can I serve this person so powerfully they never forget how they felt during our conversation?

How can I help them right now?

How can I be so present, they are the ONLY thing on my mind in this moment?


I think about this when I record podcasts, when I make social media posts, when I'm on a consultation, or when I'm with a stranger. It's who I'm BEING-- the kind of person that creates value with and for individuals.


Steve Hardison, The Ultimate Coach, was asked "how many clients do you have?"

His answer still sends chills up my spine....


"One. The one I'm with."


That is how I've grown my word of mouth coaching business.

I hope this helps you build yours.


With love,



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