The Conscious Coach Letter

High Level, High Touch, High Ticket

May 09, 2023



The Conscious Coach Letter

May 9, 2023



How do you stand out in the sea of thousands of other coaches?


When I was a new coach, I thought being the cheapest coach was the advantage.


And my business suffered.


You see, I had it backward.


I thought being the cheapest is how I would get clients. But it's the wrong approach. I wasn't't thinking how I could become extremely valuable to my clients....

I was focused on a bandaid instead of a longer term solution. How could I create so much value for my clients, that they didn't WANT the cheapest coach... they wanted to work with me exclusively because of the value I created for them??




As coaches, we want to be high-value for our clients. We want to serve them. It'w why we got into this industry in the first place. To help.


But part of HOW we help, is by learning to charge and deliver premium services.


I learned the virtuous vs vicious cycle of price from Alex Hormozi and it changed my life.


The more you charge, the more you can actually deliver value. The more you can provide solutions. The more commitment you create for both you and the client.

The cheaper you try to be, the less you are able to provide solutions. The less you can actually support your client in their goals. The less invested BOTH of you will be..... 


When we learn how to be high-level, high-touch, and high-ticket... we create intrigue around what we do. We attract higher quality clients. We have room in our business to innovate and create because we don't need to pack our schedules full of clients just to make a decent living....


I actually think the work of becoming high value, high touch, and high ticket is the path to success for most coaches.


Instead of trying to create a $29/month membership with tons of content and tons of people...


Create a world class experience where all the clients are known, supported, an coached powerfully.


Instead of trying to be cheap, be more valuable.


Instead of trying to scale infinitely, serve individuals more profoundly.


It's kind of like if you were going to open a clothes store. Do you want to try to compete with Walmart's prices?


Or... do you want to create custom (and expensive, one-of-a-kind) clothes for a handful of clients who buy everything you have and invite their friends?


That's what I think more coaches ought to do.


Don't go "infinitely scaled" if you actually love 1:1 coaching. 


High touch.

Get to know your clients well. Serve them so powerfully they never forget their conversations with you. Solve as many problems as you can with and for them. You don't need bajillions of clients. You need a handful that you serve in incredible ways...

High value.

Solve bigger problems and you make more money. Learn how to identify bigger problems you can help people solve.

This evolves over time, but I think as you grow your skills in coaching and develop your business savviness you start to see bigger opportunities.Look for ways to add a ton of value to your clients.

High ticket.

Instead of competing on price, deliver so much value, solve big and unique problems, and become a one of a kind coach so you can decide whatever price you want and KNOW you're still overdelivering on value.


The combination of these 3 things creates:

- excellent clients

- incredible rapport and word of mouth referrals

- room in your schedule to think, to be, and to grow

- room in your schedule to serve in higher and higher capacities

- income that gives you freedom

- impact that gives you joy


I'm a huge fan. It's how I operate my coaching business, and how I love to help other coaches operate theirs. I love the high touch, high value, high ticket approach for both 1:1 and small groups. I wonder how you might apply this? 


I hope this helps you as you grow your one of a kind coaching business, too.


With love,



P.S. Here are some fun ways to work together coming on the horizon...

The Conscious Coach Matrix is opening for limited enrollment in June, and will be by application only. Keep your eye out for more updates and announcements!

Limited spots for The Miraclemind will be opening in July. The ultimate hybrid program (mastermind + private coaching with me) that is small, high touch, and exponential. More details coming soon.


I take on a limited number of private clients every year. I have 1 spot opening in June and 2 spots opening in September. My private clients create miracles. The commitment level is 100%. The investment starts at $20k. Infinite possibilities, with a priceless ROI...

Is this you? Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "I'm ready to create miracles" and my team will set up a call to begin the process.


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