The Conscious Coach Letter

Freedom is the Way

Aug 15, 2023

I love when I notice "themes" in my coaching...

Topics that come up in session with multiple clients in a given time period.


I caught one in this week and wanted to share it here, in hopes that it serves you too.


You see, many of my clients are busy with other things in life, especially this summer.

And I noticed they began judging themselves for taking time away, to heal, to move, to focus on troubling relationships, to work another job...

They thought taking time away from their business was a bad thing.


But in our coaching together they discovered-- time away was based on the freedom they CHOSE in the business.

There are many reasons to choose entrepreneurship, and freedom is usually at the TOP of the list.

But they had forgotten this because they were in judgment of their time off, instead of appreciate and joy for it!


Once they "saw" the freedom they had consciously chosen... they felt immediate relief. Like a big exhale.


So today I wanted to share that exhale with you.


When you're building a bespoke business, you get to choose when and how you work.

Your freedom isn't something to hide from or feel guilty about.

It's something to celebrate! You don't always have to be actively working on or growing your business if you don' want to.

Time away doesn't make you less of a business owner.

Actually, I think it makes you a more creative and energized one.


Take the break ;)


With love,



P.S. If you like this concept of building a business FROM a place of freedom... You're going to love my upcoming training called The Integral Coach. You can register here. It's totally free.


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