The Conscious Coach Letter

Digitize Your Consciousness, Monetize Your Mind

Oct 13, 2023

When I was a brand new life coach, I was in a beautiful bubble of bliss.

I wasn't aware of "the coaching industry" and I wasn't really exposed to online business at all.

So I didn't have poisonous thoughts like

"The market is saturated"


"There's already someone doing that"


I just created based on what I was learning. I didn't realize what a huge hack that was for success. More on that later.


The truth is... no one is completely original. And there are more and more creators, coaches, and thought leaders popping up online everyday...


So how do you stand out?

How do you get people to become your clients?

How do you actually make money by sharing your thoughts online??


Monetize Your Mind by Digitizing Your Consciousness


We've been in the age of information for years. Knowledge workers, creators, coaches, writers... are flooding the internet with value.

Some people get the game of business, and go on to make millions.

Some people stay stuck for years, then eventually burn out and quit, or try something different.


If you want to monetize your mind and build a profitable solopreneur or micro business online... 


It's not enough just to publish ideas. 


If creating content is what allowed coaches and service providers to sign clients, every creator would be fully booked.


But that's not the case.


Digitized consciousness (written content, social media, podcasts, videos, etc.) is not created equally.


The good news is, there are patterns you can follow to emulate the most successful people who are doing what you want to be doing. 




The Business Blueprint for a Digital Solopreneur


1) Digitize Your Consciousness Publicly 

(Create Content) 


2) Nurture Relationships with Abundantly-Given Value 

(Build an Audience)


3) Learn Marketing and Sales 

(Transform the Way People Think)


4) Promote Your Offers to Your Audience

(Tell People About the Solutions You Create) 


5) Deliver Your Products and Services 

(Fulfill On Your Promises)



If you have a tiny audience...

Prioritize talking to people in DM's. Nurturing relationships 1:1 is a huge advantage you have over bigger accounts, and in the beginning.... this is how you get traction.


Create content so people can browse your ideas and get value....

But prioritize nurturing relationships. 


Steal principles from my 15 minute marketing plan:

Respond to 5 people's Instagram posts or stories that you follow.

Respond to 5 people's Instagram stories that follow you.

Comment on 5 well known accounts in your industry. (Ideally look at the comments that already exist and respond to them.)


I still do a version of this, even though my content creates clients and customers for me now.

Having conversations isn't a leveraged way to grow your business, but it absolutely works.


It also is a way to collect ideas for content that is relevant and useful for your potential clients. Gold mine.


Have a Content Ecosystem


Phase 1. Publish short form content on one platform.

Phase 2. Write longer content on that same platform. (carousels, longer reels, etc)

Phase 3. Introduce a long form platform like an email list, podcast, YouTube channel, or a combination. As an example, I have a podcast and an email list I write long form content for.

Phase 4. Cross promote on each platform. Example: Write short posts on Instagram and encourage people to listen to your podcast where you talk about it more in depth. 

Phase 5: Create your own content world.

Over time, your people will understand the vocabulary and lingo you use. They will understand your concepts and frameworks and paradigm. They will "get" you and be absorbed in the digital footprint you are creating for people.


Phase 1 and 2 is tedious. Prioritize DM's and connections while you are figuring out the content game.

Phase 3 is where you start to expand your ideas and make it easy for people to get to know you without having to hop on a call. This is the beginning of digital leverage.

Phase 4 and 5 is where people start buying from you without you needing to know them. This is where you see "overnight success." (I don't believe in that, but you know what I mean.)


How to Digitize Your Consciousness

1. Be an eternal student. Always be consuming content related to your interests, goals, and problems you are trying to solve for in your life.

2. Collect great ideas and metabolize the content. Connect ideas from different authors and creators. Keep a document where you write down your favorite quotes or concepts.

3. Teach those concepts to others. Preferably in social media posts, a podcast, blog, etc. Teaching concepts publicly is how you start creating a body of work that attracts an audience.

3a. Create short form content as a way to grow an audience.

3b. Create medium and long form content as a way to nurture your audience.

3c. Include promotions within your content ecosystem to talk about your offers. Study psychology and marketing and sales to do this well.

4. Iterate and pivot as you go. You can't get to level 10 without ascending through level 1, 2, 3, etc. You must start and actually be publishing content to work through these levels.


It makes sense to plug in Bespoke Business Sprints here. I am literally walking people through a process to create a brand, short form content, medium form content, long form content, promotions, and more in a live business cohort. To learn more and join us, go to

It's already begun, so when you join us you'd get immediate access to some of the recordings, then you can join the rest of the program live.


How to Monetize Your Mind

Share your thoughts online.

Talk to people who are on a similar journey as you.

Learn the art of self promotion.

Increase your tolerance for success and financial rewards for sharing value.

Just. Don't. Quit.


The last thing I'll add here is that this is not an overnight success plan.

This is about you learning and growing, and documenting your progress publicly so your people will want to find out how they can work with you and how you can help them specifically.

This takes time, skill, belief and commitment.

I've been doing online business for 5 years, and I feel like I only really got the hang of digital part of things 3 years in....



Be in it for the long haul.


Your commitment is what creates room for miracles.





P.S. If you want my help implementing what we talked about here, join The Bespoke Business Sprints. 




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