The Conscious Coach Letter

Beyond The Ego for Entrepreneurs

Dec 02, 2022

Most online businesses are ego driven.


Eckhart Tolle said, “The ego tends to equate having with Being: I have, therefore I am. And the more I have, the more I am. The ego lives through comparison. How you are seen by others turns into how you see yourself.”


Many online coaches and entrepreneurs get caught in the trap of always want to have more (and to want what other people have)


And that's not a judgment against anyone.


Truthfully, I've been there.


We get caught in the trap of more, more, more.


And then we miss the consciousness that created the business in the first place--


Wanting freedom.

Wanting to do meaningful work.

Wanting to help others.



So how do we move beyond ego?


How do we get back into the consciousness of creation, love, sufficiency, and service?


How do we create our business with our true self?



First, we have to understand, observe, and move beyond ego.



What is ego?


Ego is our false self, or the self we created to fit into the world.


Our careers, our personalities, our preferences... all make up the ego.


When I read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle for the first time, one thing stood out to me more than any other.


My ego likes to be right.


So if I'm ego driven, I want to be right more than anything.


Right about my opinions.

Right about my capability.

Right about other people.

And when I encounter something that is unknown.... My ego freaks out. (Yours does too.)



The things is... We aren't born with ego. But we develop it as we go through life. Which means we can do something about it.


Another realization I've made about the ego:


The ego really cares about superiority and inferiority.


"Where do I fit into the hierarchy?" is a question the ego contemplates non-stop.


So when you combine these important parts of the ego--


The need to be right.

The need to know who is superior or who is inferior...


We can see human behavior play out before our eyes, when the ego is left unobserved, or worse, when we let ego run the show.


This is where we see marketing trend sometimes.


"This is the only program that teaches _____!"


"Unlike other programs, my program is ____."


We also see this pattern play out behind the scenes...


We are constantly analyzing what other people are doing around us. We notice:


  • Who is the authority (who is right?)


  • Who is creating the best results (and are therefore superior)


  • who is popular (and therefore superior)


  • what everyone else is doing (the "right" way)


This is why see entrepreneurs doing very similar things in terms of 


- their business model

- their pricing

- their content

- their offers


And if left unchecked... we stop being a true creator.


We stop bringing our own, soulful genius into our work.


We get on the Hamster Wheel of Success.



We aren't using our own inuition, our own instinct, or our own inner guidance to create something.


This is why people create what Tony Robbins' calls the ultimate failure..


Success without fulfillment.


I've never been only interested in success.


I've always wanted success + soulfulness.

I wanted the external and internal mastery.

I wanted to feel good, have great relationships, and create money + success.


(I think that's why you'd read something like this, too.)


But that kind of life doesn't come from looking outside of us.


We can use other people as a way to inspire our thinking, spark creativity, and learn new things.


But when our ego is involved in that process it turns into competition.


We drown out our own divine guidance and innate wisdom.


But the solution isn't to stop consuming content all together. It's to filter out content powerfully from within.


Ask yourself--

  • is this helpful for my current life?

  • is this relevant to what I'm trying to create?

  • does this person have the results I want?

  • is their teaching helping me feel inspired, or does it make me feel constricted?

  • what is useful about this information? 

  • do I agree with this?

Asking yourself those questions often will allow you to keep your work soulful and in integrity to you.


When we go beyond ego, we tap into our divine ability to create.


When we spend time with the question, we end up on a completely different journey....


Living beyond ego has so many more dimensions to it...


And my personal favorite reason this is so much better than the hamster wheel of success: you get to define the terms based on what you want to create.


While your ego, your personal mind, is caught up with what everyone else is doing, what people think of you, and what "looks good" from the outside...


You can soulfully create results that matter to you.


The only things you really need to know:

  • You have an ego, and that's not bad. (Just good to remember)
  • The point isn't to overcome your ego so you can be better than everyone else (that's just more ego)
  • You don't have to compete when you're focused on creating.
  • You're a genius. Observe your ego. Spend more time alone so you can access your best ideas.
  • You get to define success in whatever terms are meaningful to you.


Move beyond ego, so you can create success that means something to you.

That's what this game is all about.




What happened this week.


100 Days of 1:1 Coaching 

I had a fun idea to offer 100 Days of private coaching with me that includes 3 90 Minute Coaching Sessions, and 6 30 Minute Coaching Sessions to use within the 100 Days.

To inquire, please email [email protected]


Join The Matrix (with a bonus!)

From now until the end of the year (December 31st, 2022) when you join The Matrix and pay in full, you get 4 bonus 1:1 calls with me. Check out The Matrix here.



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