The Conscious Coach Letter

Believing in Potentiality (10x Your Income with Your Mind)

Oct 21, 2023

Believing in Potentiality (10x Your Income with Your Mind)


If you look to what is, you can't see what could be.

Said another way:

If you only use your current circumstances as evidence of what is possible, you'll always re-create what you have now.


You have to imagine something more expansive than your current reality to begin to shape the reality you want.


All meaningful change starts with a vision of what could be.


For many of my high level clients, I start our work together by saying "this work isn't about fixing anything. Our work together is about creating something-- creating what you really want.


The conscious creative process (changing your life by changing your beliefs) is tedious.


You have to become self-aware so you can observe yourself, your thoughts, your beliefs.


When you become aware of your thoughts, you can begin to choose them intentionally instead of living on default mode.


The Shift from Default Creation to Conscious Creation


Default Creation:

Doing what everyone else is doing.

Not questioning why people are doing what they are doing.

Doing something because your parents encouraged you to.

Doing something because that's what society deems normal.

Living a life that other people expect you to.

Conscious Creation:

Doing what you want in alignment with the life you want to live.

Thinking critically about your choices (so that you like your reasons and results for doing something.)

Observing others with awareness and non-judgment.

Making decisions because you want to.

Living a life you choose intentionally.



How to Believe in Potentiality to Increase Your Income


Most people are on default creation mode in terms of their career and how much money they make.


Most people struggle living paycheck to paycheck.


How to avoid this?


Don't be, and don't think, like most people.



Most people believe in what's predictable (what they have seen a majority of other people create.)


Most people expect things to be difficult, to take a long time, and to struggle to excel.


So that becomes their reality.


If you want a different reality, you must consciously choose thoughts and beliefs that line up with the reality you want.

Default Beliefs:

- I have to hustle for what I want.

- Rich people got lucky.

- I make just enough to get by.

- Money is a struggle.

- Most people don't get what they want.


(Notice if you feel a constricting energy when you read that list.)


Conscious Beliefs

- I can make as much money as I choose to.

- It's easy to create what I want.

- I make more than enough for what I need and for what I want.

- It's more than okay to thrive.

- I create and attract incredible opportunities.

- My success is inevitable.

- I can work less and make more.


(Notice how that list makes you feel. For me, it feels like radiating, expansive energy.)



When you believe thoughts consciously, you line up your belief with what you want


You don't look to current circumstances to inform what to think.


What this means:

If you aren't making money, you don't keep thinking "Money is hard to make."


You have to start creating thoughts from your imagination (potentiality.)


If you already were fully booked...

If cash was already overflowing in your bank account...

If you already had the success....


What would you be thinking?


"Money comes easily."

"My clients love working with me, they love referring me."

"I have more than enough for what I want and need."


Now those are the thoughts you start practicing consciously.


Yes, this feels weird.


Because in the beginning of this work, your circumstances won't match the new beliefs.


You will feel a little delusional.


But this is the beginning of all new beliefs, so trust that you are right on track.


This is how you start paving new potentialities into your life.


The Belief Journey


First, it's an impossible idea.


Then, it's a fun but unrealistic potentiality.


Then it becomes a true possibility.


Then it begins to feel like it could actually happen for you...


Then it begins to feel inevitable.


Finally, it becomes your reality.


Stay with the belief until it works.



So, to 10x your income with your mind....


What results would be available if you 10x'd your income? Write those down.


What would you need to do in order to create that? (Raise your prices? Work with more clients? Introduce a new offer? Grow your audience? Elevate the kind of client you work with?)


What are the characteristics of that kind of person? (Intentional. Powerful. Confident. Etc.)


What do you need to believe in order to BE that kind of person now?


Once you have a clear picture of those things.... you have your internal and external blueprint to 10x your income.


You don't need information to make this leap. You need integration. You need high powered, activated beliefs. You need total faith that the process is unfolding....


Because it is. The last thing to show up in this journey is the "evidence."


But the evidence can only come when you believe something until it works.



To believing in pure, infinite potentiality in this lifetime....





P.S. This is the kind of conscious creative work I do with private clients. We create their business from the level of potentiality. We speak their desires into existence in our coaching.


I will have 2 private coaching spots available in January 2024. If you'd like to chat about what that can look like, please email [email protected] and say "I'm interested in private coaching."



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