The Conscious Coach Letter

Be the Lighthouse

May 17, 2023

I love thinking about how being a coach is like a lighthouse.


My job is to shine my light, and let my clients move toward me.


This strategy works well for me and my clients who want to coach at a high level because 

a) this is not a get rich quick strategy, so the clients that DO find you are high quality, action taking, radically responsible people

b) you get to help people at all levels-- when you're being the lighthouse, you'll help people you'll never hear from for free (in your content, and through word of mouth and how your paying clients talk about you). you'll help people who pay you when they decide to be your client.




1. Decide to shine your light.

This means sharing value with the world with no expectation of when or how people will find you or hire you. You just shine and trust the right people WILL eventually find you.  

I do this by creating content on social media, creating a podcast every week, and writing articles like this one :)


2. Trust the process. 

Being a lighthouse means you let your clients find you. This requires patience and trust, because in the beginning it looks like nothing is happening....

But eventually, the people who have followed you online, read your content, listened to your voice, etc... will decide they are ready to hire you. Your only work is to continue adding value even if it looks like nothing is working.
Your job is to keep inviting people into your world even if no one says yes at first.


Stay in it for the long game.


3. Let go of who and how and when.

When we try to predict who will hire us, how they will find us, or when they will hire us... 

we block potentiality and miracles.

We don't want to try to predict.

We want to believe they are coming and hold space for them to do so.

I don't try to predict who will hire me because it feels constricting and stressful.

This is why I love using entrepreneurial imagination...

I tap into total possibility and potentiality.

I don't imagine a specific person or someone I know. I imagine the person that would be an incredible fit for working together... and hold that image in my mind.

And most importantly, I feel it being done.

I celebrate her.

I feel grateful for her.

I'm excited for our work together...

Long before I ever actually know who she is.


4. See people in their power.

You can't be a lighthouse and secretly believe your clients are too afraid to invest in themselves.

You must shine your light and choose to have total faith in your clients and their ability to act in faith and move in boldness.

Seeing people in their power means you have faith in people and in yourself. You trust your clients to reach out to you when they are ready, and give your audience powerful invitations often so they know they can reach out.


This requires you to actively trust people. And trust their timing and process.


This doesn't mean you're passive. It means you don't "need" clients to reach out to you. It means you invite and let your clients move toward you as you keep shining your light.




This isn't a get rich quick way to grow a coaching business.

But it IS a way to create incredible clients who are powerfully ready to work with you.

It IS a way to serve people at different levels (free and paid.)

It IS a way for you to do your good work in the world.


I hope this resonates and helps you.

Go be the lighthouse for your people and trust the process.






And when you're ready.... here's how we might work together.

If you've been a member of Pro Coach or you've ever worked with me 1:1 or in a mastermind, you qualify to be a Matrix Alumni member. Fill out this intake form and my team will be in touch with next steps.


The Conscious Coach Matrix is coming back, better than ever... The enrollment in June will only be open for 5 coaches. If you want the first chance to get one of those spots, join the waitlist here.


If you're interested in working with me privately, I have a handful of 1:1 spots for the rest of 2023. You can read more here.




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